Operating room

My Story

Personal Health Crisis

  • One in every 10 million white European men
  • Started to grow rapidly under the skin & deep tissue
  • Diagnosed as a “Vascular Anomaly” (absent of its own name)
  • Misdiagnosed several times
  • 4 MD Dermatologists
  • Half a dozen Medical Doctors
  • Peer Reviewed by leading Boston Vascular Medical Providers
  • No one had answers
  • Only one doctor had seen this in his career

In 2010 I developed a rare type of Cancer tumor growth

3 Months

Very Scary Time

  • Mainstream medicine had no answers

  • My three options were to cut me, drug me or burn me

  • Remove skin from other parts of body to graft

  • They weren’t at all confident it would succeed

  • After finding out through research that chemotherapy is 97% ineffective, and the damage it causes, I declined treatment

5 Months

Why Was My Body Doing This?

  • My Spiritual intuition made me feel like there was some kind of reason my body was having this reaction

  • Doctors thought this was the result of a broken body

  • I felt it was a symptom of unbalance

  • Mainstream medicine had no answers, so I went on my own healing journey

8 Months - At Peak Growth

Why Was My Body Doing This?

  • Here i was, always active & thinking i was healthy

  • I learned that our biological systems are very delicate

  • Requiring regular maintenance to keep them working correctly

  • The response my body was having, was from a place of intelligence

  • I knew i had to solve this on my own, i was forced to try everything possible & listen to the feedback my body gave me

  • A divine appointment would occur & something started to click in my awareness of this disease

6 Months Later

Rebalancing My Body

  • As soon as I started directing my focus on changing the quality of my internal terrain, I noticed minute internal changes

  • For every 10 things i tried, 1 thing would have an effect, so i began collecting the things that did

  • Saturating my deep tissues with rare “Key Essential Nutrients”

  • Mineralizing & Alkalizing my body

  • Acidifying my digestive system

  • Flushing chemicals, pollution & GMO’s out of my body, cleansing my organelle systems

  • Embracing the sacred knowledge my body inherently knew, but was missing the molecular components to correct itself